Monday, November 3, 2008


for a while i couldn't understand why my mom suddenly was taking pictures of EVERYthing that happened, EVERYthing she saw, EVERYthing that was hers (even herself!) and why food, magazines, books, rocks, and other random objects were placed in such weird places and arranged so.. so... beautifully? so... fake and positioned so unnaturally. well come to find out... its all due to this blogging business she got trapped into. Now you can never have her take a picture of you without thinking, "oh god, is this going to be blogged!?" or "will i be the next blog?". Its just too much. And then as i was thinking about how annoying and rediculous this blogging business is, i suddenly found myself thinking, "i should blog about how annoying and rediculous this blogging business is!" = O so here i am, sitting at the computer at 12:30 am, blogging. i wish i had someone else here with me so they could take a picture of me typing so i could post that too.


Anonymous said...

So, you will be the "anti-blog" to "The Joy in the Journey" blog? That is so hillarious! Susan Renee and I will be checking it out for sure. I can't believe you didn't know about the random photos posted on the blog.

Laura Kae Brandler said...

oh so funny, you have been a party to my photos, i certainly didn't take pics of myself blading or injured on the hall floor. can't we just get along and be bff's??? I think this is a sneaky way to start a blog you have been dying to have since seeing mine!

Amanda said...

hahaha...this is so true! Whenever something is going on, I have to take pictures so I can blog about it! Isn't it fun!?!?!

JessicaB said...

i take pictures of you because that seems to be the only way to shut you up. all i ever hear is "take a picture of this" "take a picture of that" "look at me!!! take a picture" so yes, it is easier to just surrender.

Lynn said...

hi jessa:
first of all i have a bad cold and so reading your blog almost killed me because i was laughing so hard that i went into a coughing attack. too funny.
auntie lynn

Laura Kae Brandler said...

O my gosh, you are too much. I laugh though, you do make me laugh.